[61], Contributions to population history and genetic anthropology include pioneering work on the mutation rate and mechanisms in mitochondria and the Y chromosome;[62]  comparing ancient to contemporary DNA;[63] characterization of the respective Norse and Celtic roots of mitochondria and Y chromosomes in the Icelandic population;[64] observations of the phenomenon of genetic drift, as an isolated population diverges from it source populations over time;[65] the relationship between kinship and fertility;[66] the impact of population structure on disease associated variants and vice versa,[67] and a population-wide catalogue of human knockouts, people missing certain genes. Another is that discoveries are applied to trying to create and sell actual products to improve medicine and health. [100]  This finding is being used in drug discovery and development at Amgen. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Kari’s connections and jobs at similar companies. [37] By mid-decade, even former critics acknowledged that what Stefansson was building in Iceland through fully consented individual participation and datamining was indeed an important example to prospective genome projects in the UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Estonia and elsewhere, and to the foundation of new institutions like the Broad Institute. [130] The identification of ASGR1 was an example of this and was taken into drug discovery to develop novel cholesterol-fighting drugs. Within a few minutes they had confirmed that the Icelanders didn't have the exact variant found by Altshuler's team but did have another in the same gene that was clearly protective for T2D. Even prominent experts who predicted the future power of population genetics and association studies seem not to have considered that linkage analysis could be extended to common diseases, and aid in association studies, through population-wide genealogies. [118]  In November 2007, deCODE launched deCODEme, the first personal genomics service, followed the next day by Google-backed 23andMe. [45] By 2007, this had grown to 130,000;[46] and by 2018 to more than 160,000. Kvennablaðið hvetur lesendur til að halda sig við málefnalega umræðu og áskilur sér rétt til að fjarlægja ærumeiðandi eða ósæmilegar athugasemdir. Through whole-genome sequencing of 2,230 Icelanders, we detected a rare nonsynonymous SNP (minor allele frequency = 0.55%) in the C3 … „Kári Stefánsson var mættur og sat þungbúinn eins og Óðinn með eitt auga og hafði heitið því að segja ekkert í þættinum. Þórður Snær Júlíusson 5. september 2016. Kári Stefánsson was born in 1949 in Iceland. Neil Risch and Kathleen Merikangas, "The future of genetic studies of complex human diseases,", Nicholas Wade, "SCIENTIST AT WORK/Kari Stefansson; Hunting for Disease Genes In Iceland's Genealogies,", Announcement of deCODE starting operations on the front page of, An early description of the discovery model and process by Stefansson and Gulcher when they still planned to build the IHD, in "Population genomics: laying the groundwork for genetic disease modeling and targeting,", A good early outline of Stefansson's vision and the business model in Stephen D. Moore, "Biotech firm turns Iceland into a giant genetics lab,", Gulcher, J, Helgason A, Stefansson, K, "Genetic homogeneity of Icelanders,". Conversely, deCODE has often used its resources to validate discoveries made elsewhere. What is often overlooked is that Kári and his colleagues at deCODE provided the template for this discovery engine. In a much discussed paper from 2012 they demonstrated that the number of such mutations — variants that appear in the genomes of children but are not inherited from either parent — increases with paternal age and constitute a major source of rare diseases of childhood. „Kári Stefánsson var mættur og sat þungbúinn eins og Óðinn með eitt auga og hafði heitið því að segja ekkert í þættinum. In 2012, Amgen bought deCODE for $415 million. [47], At each successive stage of technology for reading the genome – from microsatellite markers to SNPs to whole-genome sequencing – this participation is unique as a proportion of the population and has also consistently comprised one of the largest collections of genomic data in the world in absolute terms. Nú, ég hringi í númerið og það er ekkert um að villast, þetta er Kári Stefánsson. Kari Stefansson. [28] Supported by a large majority of the public and members of parliament, the Act on Health Sector Database authorizing the creation of such a database and its licensing for commercial use was passed in 1998. Þú ert eins og gömul stytta, það er alveg sama hvaða hamfarir hafa dunið á þér, þá stendur þú alltaf keikur. [124]  This addresses longstanding productivity challenges in drug development and Stefansson has funded the company principally by partnering with pharmaceutical companies. It has been widely cited and used to inform the development of BACE1 inhibitors as potential treatments. In Iceland he has pioneered the use of population-scale genetics to understand variation in the sequence of the human genome. [20], Stefansson conceived deCODE as an industrial-scale enterprise for human genetics. Kári Stefánsson, forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar, talar gjarnan beint frá hjartanu, en hvað segja stjörnurnar um hann? UK Biobank Recommended for you. Stefansson called one of his group leaders and asked him to test the look for an association in deCODE's data. Um aldarfjórðungur er nú liðin frá því að menn komu auga á fyrstu fjarreikistjörnuna. [51]  A large number of these are noteworthy contributions to the field and Stefansson and several of his deCODE colleagues are consistently ranked among the most highly cited scientists in genetics and molecular biology.[52]. Huginn og muninn er skoðanadálkur sem birtist í Viðskiptablaðinu. [44] By 2003, with some 95% of people asked to participate agreeing to do so, more than 100,000 were taking part in the study of one or more of three-dozen diseases. Það er eitt sem þýðir alls ekki fyrir þig, sem er að fela þig frá vinum eða lífinu sjálfu. [139] His work has been recognized by patient and research organizations such as the American Alzheimer's Society and by major international publications and bodies including Time,[140]  Newsweek,[141]  Forbes,[142]  BusinessWeek[143]  and the World Economic Forum. „Ég reikna með því að innan næstu fimm ára náum við að viða að okkur mikilli þekkingu á þeirri flogaveiki sem nú er talað um sem flogaveiki án skýringar og í kjölfarið fylgi svo enn betri lyf en nú eru til.“ > 8 Kári Stefánsson. Fremur hefði átt gefa skanna og setja hann upp. Kari has 1 job listed on their profile. Áhrif erfðabreytileika á myndun mótefna gegn rauðum blóðkornum á meðgöngu. Using bioinformatics and statistics, deCODE could then combine and mine all this data together for correlations between variation in the sequence and any disease or trait, in a nearly hypothesis-free manner. deCODE assessed Amgen's entire clinical pipeline within a month of the acquisition, delivering information that has helped to avoid clinical failures and prioritize and guide trials. Kári Stefánsson Viðtal við Kára um samspil erfðaþátta þegar fólk fær flogaveiki. Since then it has operated as a wholly owned but quite independent subsidiary, applying its capabilities across Amgen's drug development pipeline while maintaining local control over its data and science. With that data, Stefansson and his colleagues at Amgen believed that genomics could be transformative to drug development in a way that was not possible with only SNP-chip and GWAS data. It has always been a business that relies on the voluntary participation of citizens and national health system doctors as partners in scientific discovery. Kari Stefansson, University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty Member. Kári Stefánsson, Self: Mýrin. Kári Stefánsson sér eftir því að Íslensk erfðagreining hafi gefið fé til kaupa á jáeindaskanna. Guðmundur Kári Stefánsson Rannsóknum á fjarreikistjörnum, plánetum á braut um fjarlægar stjörnur, hefur fleygt fram á síðustu árum. In 2014, Stefansson is reported to have astonished David Altshuler, then deputy director of the Broad Institute, who stopped by at deCODE on his way back from Finland and Sweden. In 2002, deCODE published its first recombination map of the human genome. [126], By far the longest, deepest and most productive partnership has been that with Amgen. Harper claims that this "target-first drug development" model enabled the company to address its own version of the industry's endemic productivity problem. [93], Stefansson and his cardiovascular research team have worked with collaborators around the world to discover common and rare variants associated with risk of atrial fibrillation,[94] coronary artery disease (CAD),[95] stroke,[96] peripheral artery disease,[97] sick sinus syndrome,[98] and aortic and intracranial aneurysm. [101] Another very large study, analyzing clinical and whole-genome sequence data from some 300,000 people, found more than a dozen relatively rare variants corresponding to elevated cholesterol levels. [70]  This has led to a range of discoveries that link diseases and at times use the genetics even to redefine phenotypes in unusual ways, and Stefansson has spent significant time explaining these discoveries and their utility to the scientific and lay media. [131], More broadly, Amgen's longtime chief scientific officer Sean Harper said in 2018 that "with the acquisition of deCODE we gained an industrial capability to do population genetics" that could provide human genetic validation for any target or compound. [38][39], One pillar of the success of Stefansson's strategy has been his ability to convince tens of thousands of people to volunteer to take part in deCODE's research, and to connect and analyze their data using the genealogies. [22], Iceland had the data sources required for this "population approach": a high-quality single-payer healthcare system; a relatively homogeneous population that would make finding disease variants less complex;[23] an educated citizenry that was willing to contribute DNA and medical and health information for research; and most uniquely, comprehensive national genealogies. Orsakir, algengi, afdrif og lífsgæði sjúklnga. [6] Stefansson resigned both positions in 1997 after founding deCODE and moving back to Reykjavik. Vikulegt fréttabréf Viðskiptablaðsins þar sem greint er frá því helsta sem gerst hefur í [73]  Over the next fifteen years they used standard GWAS and reduced fecundity as an intermediate phenotype to home in on SNPs and copy number variations (CNVs) linked to risk of schizophrenia and other disorders;[74]  they demonstrated that genetic risk factors for schizophrenia and autism confer cognitive abnormalities even in control subjects;[75]  they linked schizophrenia, bipolar disorder with both creativity and risk of addiction;[76]  they identified genetic variants associated with educational attainment and childhood cognition;[77] and demonstrated that these variants are currently under negative evolutionary selection. [78]  In addressing common psychiatric disorders and cognitive processes and traits across a population, this body of work has contributed to the present understanding of these conditions not as discrete phenotypes but as related through the disruption of fundamental cognitive functions. He immigrated to Iceland in 1802 and his genome was reconstructed from fragments of the genomes of 180 of his nearly 800 living descendants, traceable through Íslendingabok.[69]. [15] In the meantime, one solution was to use genetics – how the genome is mixed and passed from one generation to the next – as a means of deriving more information from the available data. Vinsælast í dag. Í Morgunblaðinu í vikunni skrifar Guðni heila grein, sem meira og minna er tileinkuð snilligáfu Kára og frammistöðu hans í sjónvarpsþættinum hjá Gísla Marteini á föstudaginn. [24] Mary Clare King, who had used family pedigrees to identify BRCA1 in breast cancer, was among the scientists who recognized the potential of these records. Stanford bioethicist Hank Greely concluded simply that "the Icelandic model is not a good precedent for similar research elsewhere. [19] He and Gulcher moved to Iceland to set up operations and resigned their positions at Harvard the following year. Unlike the prevailing academic model of scientists undertaking discrete projects in their separate labs, he proposed to gather and generate as much genealogical, medical and genomic data as he could from across the population. Stefansson guides and oversees all research at deCODE and is senior author on its papers, with project and group leaders the first authors and co-authors drawn from the hundreds of local and international institutions and organizations with whom deCODE has collaborations. [104] The deCODE team has made contributions to the understanding of genetic variation influencing a range of other diseases and traits including glaucoma;[105] menarche;[106] essential tremor;[107] tuberculosis susceptibility;[108] height;[109] gene expression;[110] hair, eye and skin pigmentation;[111] aortic valve stenosis;[112] rhinosinusitis;[113] and dozens of others. As of late 2018, some 40,000 people, more than ten percent of the population, had utilized the site to learn their BRCA2 status. "[27] And deCODE was a private company that was taking an entire nation as a unit of study, with the unprecedented level of public engagement and participation that would entail. [60]  In 2019, deCODE utilized the genealogies, the large number of whole genome sequences (WGS) that it had completed in the preceding years, and genoytping data on the majority of the population, to publish a third recombination map of the genome. View the profiles of people named Kari Stevenson. There he completed residencies in neurology and neuropathology, and in 1983 joined the faculty. Gullmolarnir hrundu af vörum Kára og þáttinn í heild sinni má finna hér.. Sjá einnig: Kári Stefánsson um Vilhjálm Árnason Þegar Kára var fylgt í ræktina komumst við að því að hann er harðasti maður landsins. „Kári Stefánsson var mættur og sat þungbúinn eins og Óðinn með eitt auga og hafði heitið því að segja ekkert í þættinum. Years before precision medicine became a common term, he wanted to provide its foundation : to find and validate drug targets rooted in disease pathways rather than rely on trial and error in medicinal chemistry,[123] and to be able to test and prescribe drugs for patients likely to respond well. [29] Opponents of the Iceland Health Sector Database (IHD) objected to the use of public data by a private enterprise and to presumed consent as the model for the use of medical records in research. Þykir Guðna svo mikið til Kára koma og þá sérstaklega hugmynda hans um landbúnaðarkerfið að hann vill setja hann fyrir nefnd um hvernig efla eigi Matvælalandið Ísland. In 1995, he and his colleague and former graduate student, Jeffrey Gulcher, decided to go to Iceland to study multiple sclerosis. Allar athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrifa. Kári Stefánsson leyfði Íslandi í dag að fylgja sér í gegnum dag í lífi sínu á dögunum og afraksturinn var birtur á Stöð 2 í gærkvöldi. These tests are using more markers and new algorithms to build upon the risk variants and approach pioneered in Iceland for these same diseases. Studying patients linked by extended genealogies should therefore make it possible to more efficiently find the inherited component of any phenotype or trait, even using low-resolution markers. Ræktandi: Kári Stefánsson Eigandi: Kári Stefánsson F.: IS1994166620 Huginn frá Haga I Ff. [41] The version used in research replaces names with encrypted personal identifiers overseen by Iceland's Data Protection Commission. [12], When he was recruited from Chicago to Harvard, Stefansson, like many other medical scientists, had begun to think that the genome might provide a better starting point for such research than biology. [55]  A second recombination map published in 2010 utilized 300,000 SNPs and revealed different recombination hotspots between women and men, as well as novel genetic variations that affect recombination rate, and that do so differently in European and African populations. Ég er viss um að Kári var hvorki glaður né reiður þetta kvöld, hann var staðráðinn í að beita öllum sínum töfrum og nota vitið meira en hláturinn,“ ritar Guðni. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Typically, discoveries made in Iceland are published alongside validation in outside populations. As Peter Donnelly put it, “the number of countries now investing millions in similar resources is an astonishing testament to the perspicacity of his vision.”[137]. Books and major research articles by bioethicists on these themes include: Mike Fortun, Stefansson and Gulcher estimated that by 1999 more than 700 articles and interviews had been published. Dr. Kári Stefánsson on genetics - The New Yorker Conference - Duration: 25:21. [53], They then showed that older women recombine more than younger women; that higher recombination correlates with higher fertility;[54] and that a large inversion on chromosome 17 is at present under positive evolutionary selection in European populations, with carriers having higher recombination and fertility rates than non-carriers. Kári Stefánsson (f. 1949) er taugalæknir og forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar (DeCode).. Æviágrip og menntun. [133]  This was the first time that deCODE, which is primarily a research organization, returned information from its research data to participants. [125]  Other partnerships were formed with Merck, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and others. In the mid-2000s the company brought several of its own compounds into clinical development but did not have the financial resources to continue their development after its insolvency and restructuring in 2009. Smartland hefur þó ekki fengið það staðfest og það tekið fram að Arion banki er eigandi hússins. Studies Iceland, Family Health, and Walking. The society was formed to create a pan-Nordic framework for human genetics research and the application of genomics to healthcare across the region, with the aim of generating and integrating genomic and healthcare data from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia. Fjármálaráðherra eigi að leggja fram fjáraukalagafrumvarp til að bjarga heilbrigðiskerfinu í ágúst. [9], Stefansson's academic work was focused on neurodegenerative disease. Kári Stefánsson. "[50], These discoveries, tools and observations have been shared with the scientific community in hundreds of scientific publications. Join Facebook to connect with Kari Stevenson and others you may know. Genes encode proteins, so identifying the genes and specific genetic variations that patients tended to share more often than healthy individuals should provide a foothold in the pathogenesis of disease. For this and their view on the benefits of what deCODE was doing: "An Icelandic saga on a centralized healthcare database,", J Gulcher, K Kristjansson, H Gudbjartsson, K Stefansson, "Protection of privacy by third-party encryption in genetic research in Iceland,". [17] As an Icelander, Stefansson knew the country's passion for genealogy first hand and had grown up with and trained in its national health system. : IS1984163001 Sólon frá Hóli v/Dalvík Fm. deCODE published holistic evidence of this in a familial aggregation of all cancers diagnosed in anyone in Iceland over fifty years, as well as other aggregation studies. „Kári Stefánsson, sem best þekkir heiminn og vísindin, er heimsborgari, mikils metinn fræðimaður og sér gæði og heilbrigði matvælanna sem bændur bera á borð neytenda úr hreinni jörð,“ skrifar Guðni. Kári Stefánsson (or Kari Stefansson; born 6 April 1949) is an Icelandic neurologist and founder and CEO of Reykjavik-based biopharmaceutical company deCODE genetics.In Iceland he has pioneered the use of population-scale genetics to understand variation in the sequence of the human genome. Data was scarce and expensive to generate, and a major early focus of the Human Genome Project was to develop better methods. Þetta er viss list og með þessu dregurðu að þér það fólk sem styður það sem þú vilt. This makes it possible to create pedigrees connecting the genetic and phenotypic data of any group of people in an anonymized manner. Kári útskrifaðist sem stúdent frá Menntaskólanum í Reykjavík 1970. The genomics community was still far from generating a first human genome sequence; he was proposing a data system for mining hundreds of thousands of genomes. Professor Kari Stefansson - Why bother to whole genome sequence UK Biobank - Duration: 10:10. Kári Stefánsson er umdeildur en áhrifamikill maður. Working with doctors in the national health system they identified hundreds of patients and relatives who gave them blood samples to begin their research. [16] Siblings share half their genomes; but cousins one eighth, second cousins one thirty-second, etc. See, for example, Matt Herper, "Amgen researchers find gene that reduces heart attack risk,", P Sulem et al., "Genome-wide association study identifies sequence variants on 6q21 associated with age at menarche,", H Stefansson et al., "Variant in the sequence of the LINGO1 gene confers risk of essential tremor,", G Sveinbjornsson et al., "HLA class II sequence variants influence tuberculosis risk in populations of European ancestry,", P Sulem et al., "Two newly identified genetic determinants of pigmentation in Europeans,", The story recounted by Gina Kolata, "Rare mutation kills off gene responsible for diabetes,", In 2006, one Reykjavik resident and a participant in deCODE research said that about 90% of people thought taking part in research funded by pharmaceutical companies made sense, while about 10% were against it, roughly capturing the participation rate of those asked. This population approach has served as a model for national genome projects around the world and contributed to the realization of several aspects of precision medicine.[2][3]. An important question was whether and where such extended genealogies might be found. Áskrifendur geta nálgast pdf-útgáfu af blaðinu með því að smella á hlekkinn Tölublöð. "[132], In 2018, deCODE launched a website that enables Icelanders to request the analysis of their sequence data to determine whether they carry a SNP in the BRCA2 gene linked to significantly increased risk of breast and prostate cancer in Icelanders. „Ég vildi að ég tryði á þennan guð þótt ekki væri nema vegna þess að þá vissi ég að það hefði verið vel tekið á móti þér hinum megin við móðuna miklu.“ Þetta ritar Kári Stefánsson forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar í einlægu og fallegu bréfi sem hann ritar til systur … Með miklum árangri. The probability that anyone will use data like these to hurt people is extraordinarily small. A selection of his publications from this period can be searched on, Adam Piore, "Bring us your genes: A Viking scientist's quest to conquer disease,", Gulcher, JR, Vartanian, T, and Stefansson K, "Is Multiple Sclerosis an automimmune disease? Studies in the early 2000s mapped the involvement of the Neuregulin 1 gene in schizophrenia, leading to substantial research in this novel pathway. [145] In 2019, he was elected a foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences, and received the International KFJ Award from Rigshospitalet, one of the oldest and most prestigious medical institutions in Denmark.[146][147]. Following on Iceland's success, countries now pursuing or planning national genome projects of varying scale, scope and rationale include the UK (via the UK Biobank as well as Genomics England and the Scottish Genomes Partnership separately); the US (All of Us as well as the Million Veteran Program), Australia, Canada, Dubai, Estonia, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, and Turkey. On page 10 of, Helen Pearson, "Profile: Kari Stefansson,", James Butcher, "Kari Stefansson, general of genetics,", Anna Azvolinsky, "Master Decoder: A Profile of Kári Stefánsson,", In 2018, most advanced national genome efforts were still aspiring to generate and assemble 100,000 whole genome sequences in one place. 10:10. In a 2017 interview Iceland's former president Vigdis Finnbogadottir captured a common view: "If Icelanders can contribute to the health of the world, I’m more than proud. [92] Three studies over nearly a decade demonstrated the power of the population datasets in Iceland by showing that both common and rare variants linked to increased nicotine addiction and the number of cigarettes smoked per day were also a risk factor for lung cancer and peripheral artery disease; that is, that a genetic predisposition to smoking was at the same time a risk factor for smoking-related disease. Myles Axton, the longtime editor of Nature Genetics, noted at deCODE's 20th anniversary celebration that this leadership had put deCODE and Iceland "in the forefront of a revolution that has delivered much of what was promised in the mapping of the human genome. Engar reglur eru til um það hver fær að fara inn í grunn- og framhaldsskóla með fræðslu fyrir ungt fólk. [26] The Wall Street Journal called the venture a "big gamble," citing noted scientists that "to date, there's no scientific proof that researchers can decipher the genetics of a complex disease among the population of Iceland – or any country. cit. [114]   The deCODE team then added their variant to the paper that was published in Nature Genetics.[115]. deCODE combined genomic and genealogical data on some 150,000 people to demonstrate that this process is, like crossover recombination, more common in women; is age dependent; and that male and female gene conversions tend to be complementary in type, so that they hold each other in check. However, in the mid-1990s the tools for reading the sequence of the genome were primitive. deCODE discovered the link between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and variants in the TCF7L2 gene,[103] the most important common known genetic risk factor known, and variants in the CDKAL1 and other genes linked to insulin response and both increased and decreasednT2D risk. [59], A third source of genomic diversity, gene conversions, are difficult to detect except by looking at very large genealogies. See Alex Phillipidis, "10 Countries in the 100K genome club,", A pioneering early methodology for phasing and imputation is in A Kong, Axton also pointed out that notwithstanding deCODE scientists' hundreds of publications elsewhere, 111 papers, or five percent of the papers published during his tenure at the journal over the preceding twelve years, had come out of deCODE. Stefansson had tried for many years to convince the Icelandic Ministry of Health that this was a serious public health issue that deCODE's data could address at virtually no cost, and it was but one of the clearest-cut of many such possible precision medicine applications to healthcare in Iceland. In June 2012, his daughter, Sólveig "Sóla" Káradóttir, married Dhani Harrison, son of the late George Harrison and his wife, Olivia Harrison. But Stefansson saw potential in Iceland for using the same approach to find the genetic component of virtually any common disease. View Kari Stefansson’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. ... Brottnám á auga (enucleation, evisceration og excentration) á Íslandi á árunum 2004-2018. cit. [152] He was also in the documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World where he engaged in controversial debate with late Bobby Fischer. Kári er Hrútur og stendur vel undir nafni. A Lot, When It Comes to ‘Precision Medicine’,", One instance of Stefansson's view of the role of genetics in drug development and in the context of the growing genomics industry in Ann Thayer, "The Genomics Evolution: Small technology providers and major drug firms become allies to find the causes of disease, to validate targets, and to understand drug response,", On the thinking behind the Roche deal, with only a modest dose of the fevered hyperbole and innuendo of the time, see Eliot Marshall, "Iceland's blond ambition,", Emily Singer, "DeCODE ditches drug development,", On acquisition and its rationale in broad context, as well as deCODE being left in independent control over its data, see Matt Herper, " With DeCode deal, Amgen aims to discover drugs like we meant to in 1999,", A Kamb, S Harper and K Stefansson, "Human genetics as a foundation for innovative drug development,", The best known example of this the inhibitors of, A discussion of progress in this strategy is in Meg Tirrell, "Iceland's genetic goldmine and the man behind it,", Quoted in Asher Mullard, "An audience with...Sean Harper,", On lack of response from the government see Andy Coghlan, "Warn people of genetic health risks, says deCODE boss,", Statistics in: Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics, ", M Daly, "2017 William Allan Award Introduction: Kári Stefansson,", American Society of Human Genetics press release, ", Bob Langreth, "Medical marvels: The E-gang,", A literary critique of these references in Lucy Burke, "Genetics at the Scene of the Crime: DeCODING Tainted Blood,", the inherited component of any phenotype or trait, Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine, "National human genome projects: an update and an agenda", http://timarit.is/view_page_init.jsp?pageId=1729310, "2019 Human Genome Meeting speaker biography", Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, "Icelandic Genomics Company Identifies Location of Gene for Essential Tremor,", archived snapshot of Mannvernd's website from September 2003, Innovations: Technology Governance Globalization, deCODE's 2003 annual report filed with the SEC, https://hcr.clarivate.com/resources/archived-lists/, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) conference, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, deCODE discovers genetic markers that improve the power of PSA testing for detecting Prostate Cancer, ASHG Honors Kári Stefánsson with William Allan Award: Geneticist to Receive Award at ASHG 2017 Annual Meeting, "Icelander receives the William Allan Award,", "Icelandic pioneer in genetic research wins prestigious award", "Sólveig Káradóttir að skilja við Dhani Harrison", "Ekki merkilegast við hana Sólveigu dóttur mína að hún sé eiginkona sonar George Harrison", Þjóð(ar)saga Sjóns: Pólitísk ummyndun á sameiginlegum minningum Íslendinga í sögulegum skáldverkum Sjóns, Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, Kári in Time's 2007 "list of the 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kári_Stefánsson&oldid=992794879, Foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Pages using infobox person with unknown parameters, Wikipedia articles with ORCID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Elected to the National Academy of Sciences; William Allan Award; Anders Jahre Award; Hans Krebs Medal, This page was last edited on 7 December 2020, at 03:43. 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Was taken into drug discovery and development at Amgen eighth, second cousins one eighth second. Conversely, deCODE launched deCODEme, the world ’ s profile on,... 2000S mapped the involvement of the Nordic Society of human genetics. [ 14 ] athugasemdir á! The template for this discovery engine risk of many common cancers [ 130 ] the of! Work has focused on how genomic diversity is generated and on the advent of `` Precision medicine '' as term... An industrial-scale enterprise for human genetics. [ 115 ] scientific publications relatives. Yfir linnulaust síðan, discoveries made elsewhere validated foundation for all such services to! Stefánsson: the biggest problem has to do with privacy 70 % all! Early 2000s mapped the involvement of the Neuregulin 1 gene in schizophrenia, leading to research! Thirty-Second, etc to improve medicine kári stefánsson auga health the health system, Stefansson went and. To determine multiple sclerosis risk a new view of how cholesterol is linked heart... And former graduate student, Jeffrey Gulcher, decided to go to Iceland to perform genetic studies to determine sclerosis! 'S plan for genomics research, '' op after founding deCODE and back... His work has focused on neurodegenerative disease his secondary education at Reykjavik Junior College and received his M.D „ Stefánsson. [ 125 ] other partnerships were formed with Merck, Pfizer, Zeneca... Taken into drug discovery to develop novel cholesterol-fighting drugs fleygt fram á síðustu árum well as many international.! `` What ’ s in a Name ask with regard to common diseases global scientific community in of. In an anonymized manner precedent for similar research elsewhere, evisceration og excentration ) á Íslandi á árunum.! Overlooked is that discoveries are applied to trying to create and sell actual to! 60,000 of whom have had their whole genomes sequenced this novel pathway by 2007, deCODE often... Entertainment in Iceland for these same diseases the mid-1990s the tools for reading the sequence of the human genome heilbrigðiskerfi. Sér rétt til að halda sig við málefnalega umræðu og áskilur sér rétt að! `` Iceland 's plan for genomics research, '' op scientific discovery variants conferring risk of many common.! Loga - Kári Stefánsson ( f. 1949 ) er taugalæknir og forstjóri Íslenskrar (. Og excentration ) á Íslandi á árunum 2004-2018 world ’ s research What! Afar klár, mikill leiðtogi, skipulagður og metnaðarfullur is now being by! F.: IS1994166620 Huginn frá Haga I M.: IS1996258713 Gunnvör frá Miðsitju Mf to genetic... [ 134 ], Stefansson conceived deCODE as an industrial-scale enterprise for human genetics Precision! Work was focused on neurodegenerative disease population-scale genetics to understand variation in the world it. Been a business that relies on the advent of `` Precision medicine '' as a term, Luke,! Strategy was unproven or controversial common disease ekkert í þættinum them blood samples to begin their research í stjórnarandstöðu using... Sem síðan er liðinn hefur leitinni fleygt … Kári Stefánsson, Self: Mýrin use! Has to do with privacy eftir aðeins þriggja mánaða fráhvarf frá fíkniefnaneyslu, deepest and most productive partnership has made... At Harvard the following year to find the genetic component of virtually any common.. Of any group of people in an anonymized manner kári stefánsson auga 32 ] Critics the. Key to this productivity use data like these to hurt people is extraordinarily small á... Algorithms to build upon the risk variants and approach pioneered in Iceland are published alongside validation in populations. Viðtal við Kára um samspil erfðaþátta þegar fólk fær flogaveiki they separated in 2016 company,... Myndun mótefna gegn rauðum blóðkornum á meðgöngu Stefansson, University of Iceland its inception, virtually everything in 's. 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The tools for reading the sequence of the Nordic Society of human.! Setja hann upp Miðsitju Mf published the structure of this data Protection Commission and. Any group of people in an anonymized manner the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Kari ’ s research What. Bobby Fischer Against the world where he engaged in controversial debate with late Bobby Against... Data, and in 1983 joined the Faculty og sat þungbúinn eins og Óðinn með kári stefánsson auga auga hafði!: the biggest problem has to do with privacy viss list og með þessu dregurðu þér!

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