“Quaker rouge” refers to the practice of reddening cheeks by rubbing them with a mullein leaf. it was only getting worse and no amount of medication was curing me. Do your own due diligence before foraging wild edibles and medicinal plants of any kind. We will never share your email with anyone, ever. We used to use a cough syrup with codeine (very bad) when we You are partly right. This is tedious and time-consuming. This plant has two other names in the botanical world: the common mullein, and the great mullein. I’m going to bush hog a few fields for a buddy of mine next week. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. P.P.S – If you find value in our blog, Dirt Road Girl and I would appreciate your vote on Top Prepper Sites! Pingback: Wild Resources: Only a Fool Comes Home Empty Handed! Mullein flower infused oil acts as an anodyne to take away the pain of the earache, while also exerting lymphatic action on the area around the ear to help resolve the infection. Cowboy toilet paper is it’s highest and best use. In some cases, mullein is applied directly to the skin to help treat burns or inflammatory skin conditions. By the way I am now regretting I did not go back and edit my previous message before it became “all yours”. My Perterson’s Field Guide says mullein also has antiviral activity, that’s the reason I dry and store some every few years. Look at antique pharmacopeia books. It will target specific areas of inflammation. Simple swelling can become dangerous if it’s around your breathing tubes. I have used other remedies too, such as aloe vera and colloidal silver to stop an infection and ecchinacea to boost the immune system. For thousands of years, the leaves of these plants have been used for … First year plants grow as a rosette with large, wooly, hairy, velvety leaves. I was taking multiple herbs and ate salad and make vegable juices for 7 months. The Mullein plant is a medicinal root found in the United States, mainly in Michigan. Mullein was smoked for medicinal reasons to cure cough, cold and respiratory problems. This past summer much of the western United States was choking on a constant cloud of thick smoke. Toilet Paper Can You Live Without It? The cleanse was for twenty days and I continued the last course after the twenty days. I have used St. John’s Wort to calm me down when extremely upset, and whatever is in “Sleepy-Time Tea” works like a charm. Another thing to note about mullein is that it can be a skin irritant. The mullein plant thrives in Europe, South America, […] You do a terrific job as a mediator. Plant medicines have been used for a very long time. I haven’t actually eaten much because I haven’t cooked anything and lots of them are bitter now, but I have eaten huckleberry, blueberry, blackberry, dewberry which I normally eat, and greenbrier (which was new). Mullein tea (expectorant) helps facilitate lung function and removes congestion and mucus from the respiratory tract. No more falling on the ground holding my stomach in pain. Overall, there are a lot of questions about the mullein root that only the research of doctors can tell us, and it looks like they aren’t willing to look into it any time soon. This must have been a “first year” plant because it had not sprouted a stalk. It even has antiviral and antibacterial properties. I have also used soy estrogen for hot flashes (recommended by a physician’s assistant) instead of Premarin, made from tortured mare’s urine. Wednesday – Wild Imagination, How to Harvest, Prepare, and Use Yellow Dock Root Medicinally | Survival Sherpa, How to Harvest, Prepare, and Use Yellow Dock Root Medicinally | Prepper's Survival Homestead. A final, heavily noted use of the root is for basic first aid involving cuts. Sure, there are many things to point to. I know my herb book lists all the traditional uses and then tell which condition the herb will actually help. Here’s what is known so far. The Alternatives! Modern day European complimentary medicine frequently hails mullein flower oil as a remedy for earache [42]. What’s cool about this plant is that every part, including the flowers, leaves, and of course the root, have a medicinal property that can be harvested for various benefits. Certain compounds in mullein's leaves and flowers are thought to act as demulcents or expectorants. Mullein is a particularly effective treatment for ear infections and it’s especially gratifying to make your own oil from its flowers and flower buds. Ah, a new alias… Common Man Mullein! Therefore, the medical community has given it the term, “possibly safe”. Some herbs do help, but which ones? If you get anything serious there is simply no plant, herb, flower or ancient Chinese practice that will do diddly squat for you. Shake the infusion once a day – if you remember. Like Chewy mentioned, have you personally tried any herbs to heal issues? Pingback: 27 Survival Uses for Common Mullein Besides Cowboy Toilet Paper - Prepared Bloggers, Pingback: 49 Outdoor Skills and Projects to Try When Camping | Survival Sherpa, “If a rash occurs, plaintain is usually close by.”, Pingback: An Emergency Slush Lamp Hack Using a Torch Plant Leaf | Survival Sherpa, Thanks for the great post. 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Thank you so much for your site which should be at the top not the bottom when a person googles common mullein! I am happy to learn of more uses via your post. Mullein Essential Oil has Analgesic Properties. Take good care! Stick that in your bagpipe and play Amazing Grace. It is indeed surprising to learn that a delicate flower … Mullein flowers showing off their five yellow flowers. How to use Mullein from the Garden To make mullein tea, pour a cup of boiling water over a small amount of dried mullein flowers or leaves. For this process, take a q-tip, an average cotton swab, or even just your pinky and dab a little on it. Your lack of knowledge is astounding. But wait! Mullein flower infused oil is commonly found in health food stores and apothecaries. They grow in well-drained disturbed soil by roadways, abandoned fields, waste places, and even gravel, rocky soil in full sun. The remainder of the medical problems are serious. | Survival Sherpa. Mullein leaves have been used in cosmetic preparations to soften skin. Expectorant – aid in the clearance of mucus from the airways, Mucilant – coat and protect mucous membranes, Vulnerary – promotes healing of wounds, cuts, and abrasions. Cancer, strokes, severed limbs. had uncontrollable coughs due to infections. A dehydrator speeds up the drying process. I welcome the exchange of opinions… grumpy or otherwise. Dried leaves may also be used as a smoke inhalation. Awhile back I made a medicinal lotion out of flowers, herbs and wild plants that has been the only thing that reduced my father’s very serious skin problem that doctor prescribed pharmaceuticals never touched. Be the first to get our free, value adding stuff as soon as it's published! Natural cures can cure things. As a wash, they are an easy treatment for minor wounds and scrapes. 2 heads of organic garlic. Ever been caught in the woods with nature calling you to a squatty position? If you forgot the Charmin, you’d still be a happy camper with Cowboy Toilet Paper (AKA – Common Mullein). Most people know of Mullein as the ultimate earache herb. It will not cure migraines or stomach cancer. I believe many factors come into play. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Flowers harvested from 6 or 7 mullein stalks. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Alternatives! Do you hang dry yours? I am more in the Sweet Pea camp. I do hope you will feel free to correct my typos such as gove instead of give, Thanks again Todd! I’m glad you don’t have asthma or respiratory problems or sore throats wow I have used mullien for all of these health problems I wish I didn’t have to but thankful God put plants here for us to use to heal ourselves before doctors The drugs you get at the drugstore all started out as plants growing somewhere and used by someone now they can make synthetic drugs but even those are fashioned after real plants. Locate a group of blooming mullein plants (June-September) and harvest the yellow flowers. I have arnica pills that I used when I was trying to reduce the amount of ibuprofen I was using. The first thing to think about is allergies. What is Mullein? The flowers have been used as a source of yellow hair dye. Lots more, I’m sure….. Well before “modern” pharmacy companies had to own drugs names, all medicines were herbal mixes. Individual research gives the mullein root a good reputation and if you think it can help you, go and try it out. I will get him some arnica gel. It is used to make salves, ointments, syrups, creams and other formulations. I found some research that natural wild oregano oil could kill that bacteria. It is witchcraft and superstition for the 21st century. Anyway, that lovely creature survived the winter and flourished for many months inside thevterrarium, thanks be to God. This includes being … Well, it was stage 4 colorectal cancer before it was over. Since Quaker women weren’t allowed to wear make up, these resourceful ladies rubbed the hairy leaves on their cheeks for a homemade blush to attract suitors. It might just kill the mother, too. Here’s a truth about humans. He had huge blisters and I saw the mom put salve on the burns and then a fuzzy leaf weed and then a bandage. Many of our modern medications are based on herbal medications. If you are interested a third-party article, please contact the author directly for republishing information. But, just because someone tells me that an herb is good for a “cure,” I am not falling for it. It is often used externally for its anti-inflammatory effects. Thank you for reminding me about arnica! I would guess that you have not actually tried these thing. In my opinion getting your plant in rich soil away from the city and highway is the best way. Modern day European complimentary medicine frequently hails mullein flower oil as a remedy for earache [42]. Wouldn’t it be great if they worked? If employed as Cowboy TP or camper’s wash cloth, wipe with the flow of the hairs not against. Its traditional uses generally have focused on the Whatever name you use, mullein has been a valuable mulituse tool for self-reliance for thousands of years. Therefore, there are no concrete findings to speak of when it comes to the mullein root tincture. I am 71 years old and have never “coated and protected my mucous membranes”. An additional awesome herbal/wildcrafting resource can be found at Common Sense Homesteading. Set your dehydrator on its lowest heat and process until dry. Mullein oil is also used in ear drops for … They purport to “cure” things that are meaningless and offer no “cure” for anything serious. Now I have a more complete story, including your fire-making demo in which you give me the correct pronounciation( sp?) For ages 1-10 years old, apply one drop, and for those over ten years old, use two drops of slightly warmed ear oil 2-3 times per day. Here’s to hoping you open your mind a bit, try a natural remedy and love it! Allow the blooms to dry for an hour or so to remove some of the water content. I’d love to hear your personal experience with medicinal plants. Mullein oil is used as an ingredient in various kinds of products. There are over 200 species of mullein, but common mullein is most often used for … Demulcents are substances that calm irritation or inflammation in the skin or internal parts of the nose, mouth, or throat. The oil is used as a remedy for earaches, eczema, and some other skin conditions. The first time was a winter after a hard frost when I explored our grounds to dig ip a few green plants to replenish my terrarium, which I have enjoyed for about twenty years thanks to David Paffhausen. Label, date, and store in a cool dark cabinet. Fights Infections. why are you so skeptical when you haven’t used them yourself? One, Arnica gel, was recommended by a sports injury doctor. Many modern medicines are directly derived from herbs. These “natural cures” are pure superstition and quackery. A specific product (Otikon Otic Solution, Healthy-On Ltd.) that contains mullein, garlic, calendula, and St. John's wort has been used in the ear for up to 3 days. Almost every one of the so-called “natural” cures” work just as well as time does. Research suggests that mullein can also help kill certain types of bacteria, such as Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. of the word. Mullein boasts an illustrious history as a favored herbal remedy and, consequently, has found use in various disorders. I will definitely share it and just want to suggest that, as you gently remind us at the bottom of your article to gove credit to the author…I suggest you sign off with your name, even though you did make this site easy to go back to the top to see the name of the author to be credited, I have seen and appreciated mullein before, but did not look in to researching til I came upon a solitary stalk and admired its furry leaves again just this week. Its traditional uses have generally focused on the management of respiratory disorders such as asthma, cough, tuberculosis, and related problems. In the Appalachian region of the United States, … I have always thought Mullein was a cool plant. I have used many natural remedies that have worked incredibly well. You’ll need enough to fill a small jam or jelly jar half to three-quarters full. . 2. Some things probably aren’t true, but you wouldn’t know unless you tried them. Mullein is a plant used to make medicine. Thank you, PapaD, for sharing the link to your fire making adventures. What has been attributed to the mullein root is infectious and inflammatory healing. Sweetpea may not see this, but hopefully someone will read it and it’ll make a difference and eliminate doubt. Each part of the plant has the ability to treat something, so the flowers, leaves, and roots of the mullein plant are all used to treat various ailments, such as asthma, diarrhea, coughs, and infections caused by wounds. This historic use is backed up by the experiences of countless present-day parents and children. This mystic belief in natural cures is the result of ignorance and wishful thinking. Elderberry syrup does reduce the length and severity of colds and flu, but it is not a cure, but neither is the over the counter stuff, which has been proven to extend the duration of illness. There are many genuine helps from spices and herbs in prevention and symptom relief if used properly, so sweetpea is not correct in some statements. You get a cold or the flu and drink liquids and get rest and 3-7 days later your fine again. Just because it doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it won’t work for someone else. Mullein is a wonderful healer. The flowers are mucilaginous, and especially when used as an oil in the ear, can help boost circulation and soften impacted ear wax. But, it is helpful, with no side effects to worry about. The problem with so-called natural “cures” is they never “cure” anything. Caroline, Thank you! Wonder what mullein tea would do for that?! He told me the dog had a strain of Pseudomonas bacteria that had no known effective “cure” and to prepare for it to die. It even looks cool. A few other things to note. You may know this European weed transplant by other common names such as flannel flower, Quaker’s rouge, bunny’s ear, candle wick, great mullein, torchwort, miner’s candle, poor man’s blanket, hag’s taper, ice leaf, or Cowboy Toilet Paper. Steep the infusion in a warm, sunny spot for about 2 to 4 weeks. Natural vitamin E goes to the brain and synthetic doesn’t. Many doctor visits later. Mullein’s biggest claim to fame is as an earache remedy. Anyway, I have learned a lot of medicinals too (like jewelweed, wax myrtle, Beauty berry). Sweetpea (not an appropriate name) I have used the mullein plant to coat and protect mucus membrane andy yes, people do need that to happen, just because you haven’t does not mean it is not a real issue. It’s velvety soft leaves have wrangled many a woodsman and camper from certain disaster over a cat hole. The result was he took an operable cancer to the stage where it was fatal. But does it have an answer for everything? This weekend I will get a year’s supply of dried Mullein! No. THAT is the biggest problem with the “natural” or superstition based “cures”, i.e. All links in articles must remain intact as originally posted in order to be republished. I used it (dried leaves and flowers,in tea) once when I had a cold, can’t say it helped much, but didn’t make it worse. At best they are palatives and hopefully don’t cause harm (people do die from these natural “cures”). , join us on our journey of doing the stuff you ’ re there… health food and. Of respiratory disorders such as Klebsiella pneumonia, colds, and basic first aid involving cuts it takes... Mullein was smoked for medicinal purposes, PapaD, for sharing the link to fire... 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